lala wellness kids yoga and mindfulness program registration info

Yay! You made it here! And we applaud you for caring as deeply as you do about the well-being of your little one 👏

Whether you’re familiar with practices like yoga and mindfulness or not, something inside nudged you to look into this opportunity for your child. And we’re SO glad that you did! 🤗 This program was created to blend the language of mindfulness with the development of physical literacy skills in a way that is super engaging for kids, and backed by a LOT of profound understandings of early childhood development. ✨

During lala wellness yoga classes, the kids:

  • Learn different ways to use their breath 

  • Express themselves through yoga-based movement stories

  • Enjoy mindful relaxation time

  • Gain confidence, coordination & strength in their bodies

  • and develop a love for creativity and movement

If you have any questions about the program before confirming your child’s participation, you can contact the program’s creator Lisa at

Register your child for the next yoga session at their school here!

If this is not your child’s first time doing yoga with us, and we already have your contact information below, you can skip to sending payment via e-transfer. In the notes, please indicate your child’s name and school so that we can provide you with a receipt. 🙏