Yoga and Mindfulness Based Enrichment Classes for School Aged Children

Yoga is an activity that provides children with a breadth of awareness, vocabulary, and understanding of self, others, and the world.

Within Yoga, there are 8 different limbs of practice … all of which can be made accessible and meaningful to children of all ages. 

As Yoga is a thousands-year-old practice that comes from India, and in particular, the Indus Valley, these 8 limbs have Sanskrit names. In this program, the Sanskrit names and their translations will be shared as a way to honour the practice of Yoga, and perhaps open up a curiosity for further exploration of language and culture for the children. 

The 8 Limbs for Kids

  • This limb is centered on social ethics - how we treat others. There are 5 agreements:

    • Be Kind (Ahimsa)

    • Be Truthful (Satya)

    • Share (Asteya)

    • Be Respectful (Brahmacharya)

    • Go With the Flow (Aparigraha)

  • This limb is centered on personal practices - how we treat ourselves. There are 5 practices we can explore:

    • Be clean in body and mind (Saucha)

    • Be content with what you have (Santosha)

    • Be committed to yourself (Tapas)

    • Be open to learning (Svadhyaya)

    • Be humble (Ishvara Pranidhana)

  • Exploring various postures/poses that help support the development of Fundamental Movement Skills.

  • This limb allows us to learn language and sensations associated with taking full, deep breaths.

  • Reflecting on what activities are energy giving, energy stabilizing, and energy draining.

  • Games and activities that engage the senses allow for the development of focus and concentration.

  • Making meditation meaningful for children looks like preparing their bodies and minds for stillness.

  • Here we actually borrow from the wisdom of childhood and allow ourselves to celebrate all wins, and feel free to be ourselves!